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Deberes del Paciente

In order to provide you with excellent quality services, we ask that you observe the following recommendations while you stay at Clínica Internacional:

1 Provide clear, sufficient and truthful information about the data that the Clinic requests to Rokokslot determine the evolution of your illness, establish the diagnosis and to formulate the most appropriate treatment for your health condition.

2 Strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor and other professionals, regarding: the administration of medications, limitations on physical activity, food intake, etc., in order to avoid unforeseen reactions in your treatment.

3 Respect the policies and regulations of Clínica Internacional as well as appropriately address the company's staff, other patients/clients, etc.

4. Ask your family and friends to comply with: the established visiting hours (08:00 to 21:00), avoid visits from children under 10 years of age, restrict the entry of food, visits of up to three people at a time.

5 Sign, directly or through your representative, the authorizations and consents requested of Rokokslot you to apply a treatment, perform a test or an intervention (if you do not do so, we will understand that you have exercised your right to refuse to carry out the proposed treatment, test or intervention), and sign the liability waiver document, through which you express your will to leave the hospital.