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The Admissions Department of Nueva Clínica Internacional will process your admission, registering your personal data in the system. It will request the doctor's order indicating the diagnosis and the treatment to be performed, based on which you will receive the corresponding instructions.

The doctor will check whether you are a private patient or have medical insurance, in which case he will confirm the coverage with your insurance company, in order to request the corresponding guarantees for both types of patient. The pre-anesthetic and pre-hospitalization check-up must be carried out up to one day before admission.


Recommendations for patient admission:

Scheduled surgery : Three hours before surgery

High complexity surgery: Five hours before, if the surgery is after noon; the night before, if the surgery is in the morning.

Hospital of the day: Two hours before.

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To facilitate parking of a family member's vehicle, the Clinic will provide a free parking card, valid for the duration of their stay, which is equivalent to one parking space and is subject to availability. Upon departure, this card must be returned to the General Cashier's Office when the bill is paid.

For your convenience, we suggest you bring essential personal items. The Clinic is not responsible for jewelry, cell phones, money or other valuable items. However, if you need custody of a personal item, please contact Customer Service at extensions 168 or 169.

Our Head of Customer Service will visit your room to welcome you and provide general instructions, and will also gladly receive and attend to your requests.

Alta de Pacientes


El Médico Tratante es el único autorizado a dar de alta a su paciente. El Personal Médico seguirá las instrucciones y ayudará al paciente a su salida una vez que haya cumplido con sus obligaciones económicas, en cuyo caso el Cajero entregará la orden de salida, único documento válido para que el paciente abandone nuestras instalaciones.

La hora de egreso del paciente es hasta las 11:00 A.M.

A su salida el paciente recibirá de la Secretaria Clínica la Certificación Médica con días de reposo, de ser el caso. Posterior a su egreso este documento puede ser solicitado en el departamento de Admisión.